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  1. Persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) is difficult to treat. In the absence of class I or III antiarrhythmic drugs sinus rhythm is maintained in only 30% of patients during the first year after electrical cardio...

    Authors: Trudeke Van Noord, Harry JGM Crijns, Maarten P van den Berg, Dirk J Van Veldhuisen and Isabelle C Van Gelder
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2005 5:3
  2. Although current evidence suggests that the spatial T wave axis captures important information about ventricular repolarization abnormalities, there are only a few and discordant epidemiologic studies addressi...

    Authors: Georgeta D Vaidean, Pentti M Rautaharju, Ronald J Prineas, Eric A Whitsel, Lloyd E Chambless, Aaron R Folsom, Wayne D Rosamond, Zhu-Ming Zhang, Richard S Crow and Gerardo Heiss
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2005 5:2
  3. Despite heavy recent emphasis on blood pressure (BP) control, many patients fail to meet widely accepted goals. While access and adherence to therapy certainly play a role, another potential explanation is poo...

    Authors: Steven M Asch, Elizabeth A McGlynn, Liisa Hiatt, John Adams, Jennifer Hicks, Alison DeCristofaro, Roland Chen, Pablo LaPuerta and Eve A Kerr
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2005 5:1
  4. To evaluate current treatment patterns for coronary artery revascularization in Canada and explore the potential impact of drug eluting stents (DES) on these treatment patterns.

    Authors: Michael T Halpern, Michael Lacey, Mary Ann Clark and Miguel A Valentin
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:23
  5. Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation (IABC) has an established role in the treatment of patients presenting with critical cardiac illnesses, including cardiogenic shock, refractory ischemia and for prophylaxi...

    Authors: Fahim H Jafary, Sohail A Khan, Haresh Kumar, Numaan F Malik, Khawar A Kazmi, Sajid Dhakam, Azam Shafquat, Aamir Hameed, Javed Tai and Najaf Nadeem
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:22
  6. Coronary artery calcium score incrementally improves coronary risk prediction beyond that provided by conventional risk factors. Limited information is available regarding rates of progression of coronary calc...

    Authors: Judith Hsia, Afifa Klouj, Anjana Prasad, Jeremy Burt, Lucile L Adams-Campbell and Barbara V Howard
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:21
  7. Certain conditions characterised by blood vessel occlusion or vascular spasm have been found to cluster together in epidemiological studies. However the biological causes for these associations remain controve...

    Authors: Frances MK Williams, Lynn F Cherkas, Tim D Spector and Alex J MacGregor
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:20
  8. Warfarin therapy is effective for the prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. However, warfarin therapy is underutilized even among ideal anticoagulation candidates. The purpose of this stud...

    Authors: Dawn M Bravata, Karen Rosenbeck, Sue Kancir and Lawrence M Brass
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:18
  9. Plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and of C-reactive protein (CRP) are elevated in smokers. Previous studies failed to show an association between the G-308A polymorphism in the promoter region of ...

    Authors: Marie-Louise Gander, Joachim E Fischer, Friedrich E Maly and Roland von Känel
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:17
  10. Dyslipidemia has been associated with hypertension. The present study explored if polymorphisms in genes encoding proteins in lipid metabolism could be used as predictors for the individual response to antihyp...

    Authors: Ulrika Liljedahl, Lars Lind, Lisa Kurland, Lars Berglund, Thomas Kahan and Ann-Christine Syvänen
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:16
  11. Individuals with coronary artery disease are at high risk for adverse health outcomes. This risk can be diminished by aggressive lipid management, but adherence to lipid management guidelines is far from ideal...

    Authors: Mark W Massing, Kathleen A Foley, Lori Carter-Edwards, Carla A Sueta, Charles M Alexander and Ross J Simpson Jr
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:15
  12. The management of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has improved over the last 50 years with the more frequent use of effective medicines and procedures. The clinical benefit of the speciality of the attending...

    Authors: Ibrahim Abubakar, David Kanka, Barbara Arch, Jo Porter and Peter Weissberg
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:14
  13. Surprisingly little information on symptoms of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is available in scientific literature. Using questionnaires, we have analyzed the symptoms associated with arrhythmia attacks.

    Authors: Anders Hansson, Bjarne Madsen-Härdig and S Bertil Olsson
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:13
  14. Atrial fibrillation (AF) has been recognised as an important independent risk factor for thromboembolic disease, particularly stroke for which it provides a five-fold increase in risk. This study aimed to dete...

    Authors: Dawn Swancutt, Richard Hobbs, David Fitzmaurice, Jonathan Mant, Ellen Murray, Sue Jowett, James Raftery, Stirling Bryan, Michael Davies and Gregory Lip
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:12
  15. Despite improvements in the safety and efficacy of endovascular procedures, considerable morbidity may still be attributed to vasospasm. Vasospasm has proven amenable to pharmacological intervention such as ni...

    Authors: Alexander L Coon, Geoffrey P Colby, William J Mack, Lei Feng, Philip Meyers and E Sander Connolly Jr
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:11
  16. Local ventricular refractoriness and its dispersion during ventricular fibrillation (VF) have not been well evaluated, due to methodological difficulties.

    Authors: Jijian Luo, Carl Magnus Pripp, Eva Hertervig, Ole Kongstad, Erik Ljungström, S Bertil Olsson and Shiwen Yuan
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:8
  17. From in vitro studies, it has become clear that several signaling cascades are involved in angiotensin II-induced cellular hypertrophy. The aim of the present study was to determine some of the signaling pathways...

    Authors: Christine Daigle, Fabrice MAC Martens, Daphné Girardot, Huy Hao Dao, Rhian M Touyz and Pierre Moreau
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:6
  18. Decision aids are often advocated as a means to assist patient and health care provider decision making when faced with complicated treatment or screening decisions. Despite an exponential growth in the availa...

    Authors: Finlay A McAlister, Malcolm Man-Son-Hing, Sharon E Straus, William A Ghali, Paul Gibson, David Anderson, Jafna Cox and Miriam Fradette
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:5
  19. Statins are cholesterol-lowering drugs that are widely used to reduce the risk of cardiac infarction. Their beneficial clinical effects, however, are not restricted to their influence on cholesterol production...

    Authors: Stephan Heinke, Gero Schwarz, Hans R Figulla and Stefan H Heinemann
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:4
  20. In most western countries 20% of adults have hypertension. Reports in the literature suggest that from 31 to 86% of treated patients are not at recommended target levels. However it is important to consider ho...

    Authors: Marshall Godwin, Dianne Delva, Rachelle Seguin, Ian Casson, Susan MacDonald, Richard Birtwhistle and Miu Lam
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:2
  21. Normal coronary arteries may coexist with abnormal coronary and systemic endothelial function in patients with chest pain. Recent work by the renowned Pisa echo-group elegantly suggests that isolated ST-segmen...

    Authors: Nicola Gaibazzi and Vigilio Ziacchi
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004 4:1
  22. Overweight is associated with an increased cardiovascular risk which is only partially explained by conventional risk factors. The objective of this study was to evaluate lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] plasma levels a...

    Authors: Enzo Emanuele, Emmanouil Peros, Piercarlo Minoretti, Colomba Falcone, Angela D'Angelo, Lorenza Montagna and Diego Geroldi
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2003 3:12
  23. Adipocyte-derived leucine aminopeptidase (ALAP) is a recently identified member of the M1 family of zinc-metallopeptidases and is thought to play a role in blood pressure control through inactivation of angiot...

    Authors: Par Hallberg, Lars Lind, Karl Michaëlsson, Lisa Kurland, Thomas Kahan, Karin Malmqvist, Karl Peter Öhman, Fredrik Nyström, Ulrika Liljedahl, Ann-Christine Syvänen and Hakan Melhus
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2003 3:11
  24. Cardiac rehabilitation following myocardial infarction reduces subsequent mortality, but uptake and adherence to rehabilitation programmes remains poor, particularly among women, the elderly and ethnic minorit...

    Authors: Kate Jolly, Gregory YH Lip, Josie Sandercock, Sheila M Greenfield, James P Raftery, Jonathan Mant, Rod Taylor, Deirdre Lane, Kaeng Wai Lee and AJ Stevens
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2003 3:10
  25. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an important independent risk factor for stroke. Randomised controlled trials have shown that this risk can be reduced substantially by treatment with warfarin or more modestly by t...

    Authors: Jonathan WF Mant, Suzanne H Richards, FD Richard Hobbs, David Fitzmaurice, Gregory YH Lip, Ellen Murray, Miriam Banting, Kate Fletcher, Joy Rahman, Teresa Allan, James Raftery and Stirling Bryan
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2003 3:9
  26. We performed this study to develop a new scoring system to stratify different levels of risk in patients admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of unstable angina (UA), which is a complex syndrome that encompas...

    Authors: Alfredo C Piombo, Juan A Gagliardi, Javier Guetta, Juan Fuselli, Simón Salzberg, Enrique Fairman and Carlos Bertolasi
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2003 3:8
  27. The emergency department diagnosis of sinus versus nonsinus tachycardia is an important clinical challenge. The objective of this study was to identify subjects with a high prevalence of nonsinus tachycardia.

    Authors: Duane S Pinto, Kalon K Ho, Peter J Zimetbaum, Alexander Pedan and Ary L Goldberger
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2003 3:7
  28. Statins effectively lower blood cholesterol and the risk of cardiovascular death. Immunomodulatory actions, independent of their lipid-lowering effect, have also been ascribed to these compounds. Since macroph...

    Authors: Joannis E Vamvakopoulos and Colin Green
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2003 3:6
  29. Elevated plant sterol accumulation has been reported in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHRSP) and the Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rat. Additionally, a blood p...

    Authors: Hongwei Yu, Bhaswati Pandit, Eric Klett, Mi-Hye Lee, Kangmo Lu, Khalil Helou, Ikuo Ikeda, Nami Egashira, Masao Sato, Richard Klein, Ashok Batta, Gerald Salen and Shailendra B Patel
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2003 3:4
  30. The administration of antiplatelet drugs before coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) is associated with an increased risk of major hemorrhage and related surgical reexploration. Little is known about th...

    Authors: Joel G Ray, Stacy Deniz, Anthony Olivieri, Erika Pollex, Marian J Vermeulen, Kurian S Alexander, David J Cain, Irene Cybulsky and Cindy M Hamielec
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2003 3:3
  31. Body temperature is a strong predictor of outcome in acute stroke. In a previous randomized trial we observed that treatment with high-dose acetaminophen (paracetamol) led to a reduction of body temperature in...

    Authors: Diederik WJ Dippel, Eric J van Breda, H Bart van der Worp, H Maarten A van Gemert, Ron J Meijer, L Jaap Kappelle and Peter J Koudstaal
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2003 3:2
  32. Unlike other cardiovascular diseases the incidence and prevalence of congestive heart failure (CHF) continues to increase. While gender differences in coronary artery disease have been well described, to date,...

    Authors: Jason M Burstein, Raymond Yan, Iris Weller and Beth L Abramson
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2003 3:1
  33. Balloon injury (BI) of the rat carotid artery (CCA) is widely used to study intimal hyperplasia (IH) and decrease in lumen diameter (LD), but CCA's small diameter impedes the evaluation of endovascular therapi...

    Authors: Edward EE Gabeler, Richard van Hillegersberg, Randolph G Statius van Eps, Wim Sluiter, Elma J Gussenhoven, Paul Mulder and Hero van Urk
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2002 2:16
  34. The short-term cholesterol-lowering efficacy of plant stanol esters has been open to debate, and the data from different clinical studies with hypercholesterolemic subjects are variable, partly due to lack of ...

    Authors: Maarit Hallikainen, Essi Sarkkinen, Ingmar Wester and Matti Uusitupa
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2002 2:14
  35. Animal and organ culture experiments have shown beneficial inhibitory estrogen effects on post injury neointima development. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether such estrogen effects are influ...

    Authors: Gerald Finking, Christina Lenz, Thomas Schochat and Hartmut Hanke
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2002 2:13
  36. Tissues that depend on aerobic energy metabolism suffer most in diseases caused by mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Cardiac abnormalities have been described in many cases, but their frequency and clini...

    Authors: Kirsi Majamaa-Voltti, Keijo Peuhkurinen, Marja-Leena Kortelainen, Ilmo E Hassinen and Kari Majamaa
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2002 2:12
  37. Cell proliferation and apoptosis are both involved in arterial wall remodeling. Increase in blood flow induces arterial enlargement. The molecular basis of flow-induced remodeling in large elastic arteries is ...

    Authors: Chengpei Xu, Sheila Lee, Chang Shu, Hirotake Masuda and Christopher K Zarins
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2002 2:11
  38. GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors abciximab and eptifibatide have been shown to inhibit platelet aggregation in ischemic heart disease. Our aim was to test the efficacy of abiciximab (Reo Pro) or eptifibatide (Integrilin)...

    Authors: Silva Bertuglia and Andrea Giusti
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2002 2:10
  39. Serum C-reactive protein (CRP) has been identified in prospective epidemiological research as an independent risk marker for cardiovascular disease. In this paper, short-term biological variation of CRP is doc...

    Authors: Harriëtte Riese, Tanja GM Vrijkotte, Piet Meijer, Cees Kluft and Eco JC de Geus
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2002 2:9
  40. Endothelium dysfunction is believed to play a role in the development of cardiovascular disease. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the suitability of organ culture as a model for endothelium dysfunc...

    Authors: Rikard Alm, Lars Edvinsson and Malin Malmsjö
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2002 2:8
  41. During the first days after stroke, one to two fifths of the patients develop fever or subfebrile temperatures. Body temperature is a strong prognostic factor after stroke. Pharmacological reduction of tempera...

    Authors: Eric J van Breda, Bart van der Worp, Maarten van Gemert, Ron Meijer, Jaap Kappelle, Peter J Koudstaal and Diederik W Dippel
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2002 2:7
  42. To estimate the mortality rate of patients newly diagnosed with chronic atrial fibrillation (AF) and compare it with the one in the general population. To evaluate the role of co-morbidity and other factors on...

    Authors: Ana Ruigómez, Saga Johansson, Mari-Ann Wallander and Luis Alberto García Rodríguez
    Citation: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2002 2:5

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