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Table 2 Differences in mean systolic and diastolic BP and daytime ABPMa by type of BP monitoring (N = 117)

From: A comparative trial of blood pressure monitoring in a self-care kiosk, in office, and with ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

Type of BP monitoring

Systolic BP (mm Hg)


Mean (SD)

Mean difference in BP daytime ABPM (95% CI)

 Daytime ABPM (reference)

136.0 (12.9)




142.2 (13.8)

6.2 (3.8–8.6)

< 0.001

 Nurse measured c

138.1 (13.2)

2.0 (−0.2–4.2)


 Physician-measured, at enrollment d

143.6 (15.4)

7.6 (4.5–10.2)

< 0.001

Type of BP monitoring

Diastolic BP (mm Hg)


Mean (SD)

Mean difference in BP daytime ABPM (95% CI)

 Daytime ABPM (reference)

77.4 (9.5)




85.3 (10.2)

7.9 (6.2–9.6)

< 0.001


84.6 (8.9)

7.2 (5.9–9.6)

< 0.001

 Physician-measured at enrollment

83.3 (11.1)

5.8 (4.1–7.6)

< 0.001

  1. Analyses performed with paired t-test, daytime ABPM reference.
  2. aDaytime ABPM, mean of ambulatory registrations from 06 A.M. until 22 P.M, every 30 minutes
  3. b Kiosk for self-directed BP monitoring
  4. c Nurse-measured: mean of 4 BP measurements, two before and two after ABPM
  5. dPhysician-measured at enrollment: mean of 2 BP measurements Abbreviations: ABPM ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, BP blood pressure, CI confidence interval, SD standard deviation