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Table 2 Predictors of self-care maintenance with hierarchical regression analysis (standardised coefficients β (95% confidence interval); N = 189)

From: The association between physical symptoms and self-care behaviours in heart failure patients with inadequate self-care behaviours: a cross-sectional study

Predictor variables

Model 1

Model 2


0.084 (-0.111, 0.293)

0.093 (-0.100, 0.302)

Sex (0: male; 1: female)

-0.042 (-5.443, 3.071)

-0.037 (-5.289, 3.188)

Educational background_ high school (with reference to primary school)

0.158* (0.043, 8.651)

0.150 (-0.168, 8.414)

Educational background_ college or above (with reference to primary school)

0.173*(0.794, 15.777)

0.163* (0.340, 15.289)

Marital status (0: single/divorced/widow; 1: being married)

0.105 (-1.731, 9.576)

0.093 (-2.176, 9.124)

Employment (0: unemployed; 1: employed)

0.020 (-5.621, 7.198)

0.012 (-5.919, 6.859)

Months since HF diagnosis

0.153* (0.001,0 .073)

0.170* (0.004, 0.078)

HF associated hospitalization in the past year (0: no; 1: yes)

0.037 (-7.142, 11.861)

0.055 (-6.036, 13.070)


-0.062 (-2.202, 1.033)

-0.058 (-2.158,1.062)

NYHA_III (with reference to NYHA II)

-0.065 (-7.881, 4.285)

-0.039 (-7.186,5.040)

NYHA_IV (with reference to NYHA II)

-0.112 (-9.347, 3.122)

-0.064 (-8.180, 4.620)

Physical symptoms


-0.133 (-0.316, 0.026)




 R2 change



  1. Abbreviations: CCI Charlson Comorbidity Index, HF Heart failure, NYHA New York Heart Association
  2. *p < 0.05
  3. **p < 0.01