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Table 1 Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, physical symptoms, and self-care behaviours among patients in the current analysis and the primary study (N = 189)

From: The association between physical symptoms and self-care behaviours in heart failure patients with inadequate self-care behaviours: a cross-sectional study


Mean ± SD/Median (IQR)

n (%)


64.88 ± 12.77


Sex (Female)


71 (37.6)

Education background

 Primary school and below


81 (42.9)

 High school


91 (48.1)

 College and above


17 (9.0)

Marital status

 Being married


158 (83.6)



31 (16.4)

Employment status (Unemployed)


163 (86.2)

Months since HF diagnosis

24 (3–60)a


Hospitalized due to HF in the past year (Yes)


180 (95.2)


3.83 ± 1.47


NYHA class



27 (14.3)



84 (44.4)



78 (41.3)

Physical symptoms score (total range: 0–90)

25.89 ± 12.65


 Dyspnoea (range: 0–30)

11.61 ± 6.51


 Oedema (range: 0–15)

4.31 ± 2.79


 Chest discomfort (range: 0–10)

3.30 ± 2.27


 Subtle early symptoms (range: 0–35)

6.22 ± 3.77

  1. Abbreviations: CCI Charlson Comorbidity Index, HF Heart failure, IQR Interquartile range, NYHA New York Heart Association
  2. apresented as the median (IQR)