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Table 3 The distribution of variables observed among the two LAR subgroups and the trend of association with LAR

From: The relationship between leukocyte to albumin ratio and atrial fibrillation severity


Low LAR Cohort n (%)

High LAR Cohort n (%)

p value

AF severity {Moderate to High Severity/Low Severity}

846 (64.9)/458 (35.1)

756 (73.8)/269 (26.2)


Sex: (Male/Female)

571 (56.9)/562 (43.1)

742 (55.7)/454 (44.3)

> 0.05

Age (mean)




  1. The values are represented by n = count or mean (%) and represent the percentage for categorical variables only. LAR = leukocyte to albumin ratio