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Table 3 Costs considered in the model

From: A telemonitoring programme in patients with heart failure in France: a cost-utility analysis


Time period considered

Unit cost (€2021)

Cost of SCAD programme

Monthly for 6 months


Management cost for non-hospitalised patients: standard care



Management cost for non-hospitalised patients: SCAD



HF hospitalisation cost: standard care (low SCAD use)

Individual stay


HF hospitalisation cost: SCAD users (weighted1)

Individual stay


HF hospitalisation cost: intermediate SCAD user

Individual stay


HF hospitalisation cost: high SCAD user

Individual stay


Palliative care cost

Monthly for 3 months before death


  1. HF heart failure; SCAD Suivi Clinique A Domicile
  2. 1Weighted to take into account the patient mix between high and intermediate users