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Table 1 Demographic and hypertension data of participants

From: Elevated Th17 cell proportion, related cytokines and mRNA expression level in patients with hypertension-mediated organ damage: a case control study


Control group (n = 63)

non-HMOD group (n = 86)

HMOD group (n = 92)

Age (mean ± SD, years)

57.3 ± 10.2

59.5 ± 9.1

60.1 ± 7.3

Male (%)

36 (57.1)

45 (51.7)

52 (56.5)


117 ± 7

150 ± 12*

151 ± 10*


67 ± 6

92 ± 7*

93 ± 8*

Hypertension history (years)


9 ± 4*

10 ± 5*

  1. Demographic and hypertension data in 3 groups were compared by one-way analysis of variance. Bonferroni correction was used for multiple comparisons.
  2. SD standard deviation, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, HMOD hypertension-mediated organ damage
  3. *P < 0.005 when comparing with control group by Student’s t-test