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Table 1 Descriptive statistics for the study variable from 01 January to 16 March, 2013–2015

From: A time-series prediction model of acute myocardial infarction in northern of Iran: the risk of climate change and religious mourning


Mean (SD)

Median (IQR:25th percentile–75th percentile)

Average temperature

18.19 (7.54)

18 (11.50–25.80)

Average humidity

77.50 (9.04)

77.5 (72–83.50)

Sunshine hours a day

5.71 (3.96)

6 (1.55–9.00)


1.82 (6.75)

0 (0.0–0.20)

Daily evaporation rate

3.18 (2.36)

2.6 (1.10–5.20)

Wind direction

201.34 (128.66)

260 (40–300)

Wind speed

4.31 (2.08)

4.0 (3.0–5.0)