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Table 1 Description of variables collected in database

From: Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest International Registry (PACHIN): protocol for a prospective international multicenter register of cardiac arrest in children

Hospital characteristics: level of care; existence of cardiac arrest management plan; rapid response team: existence and composition; early warning scores

Patient demographics and characteristics: patient data before cardiac arrest (age, sex, weight, height, baseline neurological assessment, medical history, previous treatments)

Description of cardiac arrest: date and time; cause of arrest; place of arrest; cardiac rhythm; contributing factors

Description of cardiopulmonary resuscitation: resuscitation team (team members, number of providers, background); ventilation (airway management, ventilation objectives), chest compressions (rate, depth, synchrony, feedback device); defibrillation (shocks, energy); drugs (adrenaline, amiodarone, lidocaine, calcium, bicarbonate, fluids, others); quality control (invasive blood pressure, end tidal CO2); other treatments (ECMO, POCUS, drainage); time to ROSC; CPR ending; CPR complications; survival; cause of death

Post-resuscitation care: hemodynamic care (blood pressure, drug support, cardiac rhythm); ventilatory support (mechanical ventilation, ventilation parameters, oxygenation, blood gases results); neurological examination (BIS, pupils, Glasgow coma scale, POPC); renal support treatment; metabolic parameters; temperature control management

Outcomes: length of PICU and hospital stay; neurological outcome at discharge (POPC, Glasgow coma scale)

Long term follow-up: brain image (MRI, CT scan, EEG); neurological examination