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Table 1 Categories and examples of variables used to tailor interventions

From: Personalized hypertension management based on serial assessment and telemedicine (PHMA): a cluster randomize controlled trial protocol in Anhui, China

Demographics of patients (CustomerDemographics)

 - Patient’s full name (CustomerDemographics. FullName);

 - Patient’s Sex (CustomerDemographics.Sex);

 - Patient’s Family name (CustomerDemographics. FamilyName);


Status and trend of blood pressure (BPPerformance)

 - Overall mean of SBP (BPPerformance.SBP.Mean.Overall);

 - Mean of SBP for the last 10 times (BPPerformance.SBP..Mean.Last10Times);

 - Overall trend of DBP in past year (BPPerformance.DBP.Trend.LastYear);


Patient outcome (PatientOutcome)

 - Score of quality of life (EQ5D) as assessed last time (PatientOutcome.QoL.LastAssessment.Score);

 - Date when quality of life was last assessed (PatientOutcome.QoL LastAssessment.Date);

 - Complications occurred in the past year (PatientOutcome.Complications.LastYear. All);


Clinical history in relation to hypertension (ClinicalHistory)

 - Year in which hypertension was diagnosed (ClinicalHistory.Hypertension.Diagnosis.Year);

 - Whether medication treatment is in use (ClinicalHistory.Hypertension.Treatment.Current.Status);

 - Type of current medications (ClinicalHistory.Hypertension.Treatment.Current.Type);


Objective behaviors (ObjectiveBehaviors)

 - Title of the objective behavior scored the highest in previous assessment (ObjectiveBehaviors.LatestAssessment. ScoredHighest.Title);

 - Score of “healthy diet” in the latest assessment (ObjectiveBehaviors.LatestAssessmen.HealthyDiet.Score);

 - Title of objective behavior scored the least in latest assessment (ObjectiveBehaviors.LatestAssessment. ScoredLeast.Title);


Problems with or barriers to objective behaviors (BehaviourProblems)

 - List of problems or barriers identified from the latest assessment (BehaviourProblems.LatestAssessment.FullList);

 - Title of problem scored the highest in the latest assessment (BehaviourProblems.LatestAssessment. ScoredHighest.Title);

 - Description of problem scored the highest in the latest assessment (BehaviourProblems.LatestAssessment. ScoredHighest.Description);


Hypertension-related physical indicators (PhysicalIndicator)

 - Body weight as measured last time (PhysicalIndicator.BodyWeight.LastMeasurement.Value);

 - Date when patient body was last weighted (PhysicalIndicator.BodyWeight.LastMeasurement.Date);

 - Waist circumference as measured last time (PhysicalIndicator.WeistCircumference.LastMeasurement.Value);


Daily activities (DailyActivity)

 - Common working activities as reported last time (DailyActivity.LastReport.Work.Description);

 - Common working hours as reported last time (DailyActivity.LastReport.Work.Hours);

 - Common leisure activities as reported last time (DailyActivity.LastReport.Leisure.Description);;


Social relations (SocialRelations)

 - Number of family members (SocialRelations.FamilyMember.Number);

 - Member of family members (SocialRelations.FamilyMember.RelationList);

 - Family member in closest contact with the patient (SocialRelations.FamilyMember.InClosestContact.Relations);


Resources relating to hypertension management (Resources)

 - Family income per year (Resources.Faimly.AnnualIncome)

 - Minutes needed to get to the nearest hypertension clinic (Resources.MinutesToNearestClinic);

 - Name of doctor in charge of the patient (Resources.DoctorInCharge.Current.FullName);


  1. “()” defines the start and end of the code of the variable or variable category before it