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Table 2 Functional training protocol: exercises and periodization model

From: Cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and quality of life of patients with heart failure undergoing a functional training program: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial

Phase 1

− 4 weeks-

Run on trampoline


3 sets of 40 s

Sit to stand (body weight)


2 sets of 30 s

Biceps curls with elastic band


2 sets of 10–12 rep



2 sets of 30 s

Sumo squat (with 4-kg kettlebell)


2 sets of 30 s

Standing band row


2 sets of 10–12 rep

Low step up (10-cm height)


2 sets of 40 s

Lateral band walk


2 sets of 30 s

Basic crunch


2 sets of 10–20 s

Hip adductor ball squeeze


2 sets of 30 s

Frontal plank


2 sets of 15–20 rep

Run on trampoline


3 sets of 40 s

Phase 2

− 4 weeks-

Run on trampoline


3 sets of 50 s

Squat on rigid balance board


1 set of 30 s for each side

Oblique twist with elastic band


1 set of 10–12 rep for each side

Side to side run with cones


1 to 2 sets of 30 s

Kettlebell high pull (4 kg)


2 sets of 10–12 rep

Lunges (body weight)


1 to 2 sets of 30 s for each leg

Low step up (10-cm height)


2 sets of 50 s

Basic crunch


2 sets of 15–20 rep

Reverse crunch


1 to 2 sets of 15–20 rep

Swiss ball hip raise


1 set of 10 rep

Frontal plank


1 to 2 sets of 10–20 s

Lateral plank


1 set of 10–20 s

Run on trampoline


3 sets of 50 s

Phase 3

− 4 weeks-

Run on trampoline


3 sets of 60 s

Swiss ball wall squat


2 sets of 30 s

Triceps bench dips


2 sets of 10–12 rep

Step up (20-cm height)


1 set of 30 s for each leg

Agility on ladder drills


1 to 2 sets of 30 s

Dumbbell shoulder press Swiss ball (2 kg)


2 sets of 10–12 rep

Walking lunge (body weight)


1 to 2 sets of 30 s

Basic crunch


2 sets of 15–20 rep

Reverse crunch


1 to 2 sets of 15–20 rep

Hamstring curl with a Swiss ball


2 sets of 10–12 rep

Reverse plank with leg lift


4 sets of 3 s for each leg

Plank with leg lift


1 set of 10 s for each leg

Run on trampoline


3 sets of 60 s

  1. Sec second, Rep repetition