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Table 2 Mortality by reperfusion status and reperfusion-mortality association

From: Access to reperfusion therapy and mortality outcomes in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction under universal health coverage in Thailand





1. Mortality, n (%)

 No reperfusion (n = 20,159)

7959 (39.5)

9105 (45.2)

 PCI (n = 27,983)

3600 (12.9)

4649 (16.6)

 TBL only (n = 16,405)

3071 (18.7)

3708 (22.6)

2. Difference in mortalitya, % points (95% CI)

 PCI vs. no reperfusion

−26.6* (−25.8, −27.4)

−28.6* (−27.7, −29.4)

 TBL only vs. no reperfusion

−20.8* (−19.9, − 21.7)

−22.6* (− 21.6, − 23.5)

 PCI vs. TBL only

−5.9* (−5.1, −6.6)

−6.0* (−5.2, −6.8)

3. Difference in probability of dyingb, % points (95% CI)

 PCI vs. no reperfusion

−19.6* (− 18.2, − 21.0)

−21.1* (− 19.6, − 22.5)

 TBL only vs. no reperfusion

−14.1* (− 13.3, − 14.9)

−15.1* (−14.3, −16.0)

 PCI vs. TBL only

−5.5* (− 2.7, −8.2)

−5.4** (− 2.4, −8.5)

  1. * P < 0.001; ** P < 0.01
  2. a Crude analysis without any adjustment for baseline differences between treatment and control groups
  3. b Average treatment effect on the treated (ATET), using PSM between treatment and control groups (See Additional file 1: Figures S4A, B, and C and Table S2 for the covariates predicting treatment probabilities); 95% CI based on robust standard error
  4. CI confidence interval; n number of patients; PCI percutaneous coronary intervention; PSM propensity-score matching; TBL thrombolysis