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Table 1 Characteristics of study patients

From: Non-traumatic chest pain in patients presenting to an urban emergency Department in sub Saharan Africa: a prospective cohort study in Tanzania


Number (%)


349 (100%)

Age (years), median (IQR)

45 (29–60)

 Below 50 years

212 (60.7)

 Above 50 years

137 (39.3)

Female Sex

177 (50.7)

Common comorbidity

194 (55.6)


82 (23.5)

 Heart failure

48 (13.8)

Diabetes Mellitus

26 (7.4)

 HIV infection

12 (3.5)

 Chronic kidney disease

10 (2.9)

 Sickle cell disease

9 (2.6)

Arrived by ambulance

43 (12.3)

Arrived by non-ambulance

306 (87.7)

Referral from peripheral hospitals

99 (28.4)

Self – referral

250 (71.6)

Associated symptoms

 Shortness/difficulty in breathing

109 (31.2)


62 (17.8)

 Heart beat awareness

37 (10.6)

 Chest tightness

32 (9.2)


29 (8.3)

Abnormal vital signs

 Tachypnea (RR > 20breaths/min at rest)

132 (38.0)

 Tachycardia (HR > 100beats/min at rest)

95 (27.4)

 High MAP (> 110mmhg)

54 (15.4)

 Hypoxia (Spo2 < 94% in room air)

31 (8.9)

 GCS < 15

20 (5.7)

  1. HIV human Immunodeficiency virus, RR respiratory rate, min minutes, HR heart rate, MAP mean arterial pressure, Spo2 saturation partial pressure of Oxygen, GCS Glasgow comma scale