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Table 2 Sociodemographic, medical, and psychosocial factors in smokers and quitters at follow-upa after the coronary event

From: Medical and sociodemographic factors predict persistent smoking after coronary events

Study factors

Quitted after the index event (n = 167)

Persistent smokers (n = 230)


Sociodemographic factors

 Age at index event, mean (SD)

57.7 (9.4)

59.3 (9.3)

p = 0.05

 Number of months since the index event, mean (SD)

16.8 (10.9)

18.9 (10.8)

p = 0.05

 Female sex, n (%)

38 (22.8)

56 (24.3)

p = 0.71

 Ethnic minority background, n (%)

4 (2.4)

10 (4.3)

p = 0.30

 Living alone, n (%)

28 (16.8)

57 (24.8)

p < 0.05

 Low education, n (%)

116 (69.5)

189 (82.2)

p < 0.001

 Unemployed or on disability benefits, n (%)

33 (19.8)

85 (37.0)

p < 0.001

Medical factors

 Duration of smoking, years, n (%)

   < 20

11 (6.6)

8 (3.5)

p < 0.001


99 (59.3)

64 (27.8)

   > 40

53 (31.7)

137 (59.6)

 ST-elevation infarction/non ST-elevation infarction and angina, n (%)

78 (46.7)/ 89 (53.3)

84 (36.5)/ 146 (63.5)

p < 0.05

 More than 1 coronary event, n (%)

30 (18.0)

77 (33.5)

p < 0.001

 Participation in cardiac rehabilitation, n (%)

95 (56.9)

103 (44.8)

p < 0.05

 Charlson co-morbidity sum score, mean (SD)

3.8 (1.3)

4.0 (1.4)

p = 0.14

 Use of antiplatelets at follow-up, n (%)

164 (98.2)

221 (96.1)

p = 0.22

 Use of statins at follow-up, n (%)

160 (95.8)

207 (90.0)

p < 0.05

 Low physical activityb, n (%)

93 (55.7)

186 (80.9)

p < 0.001

 Body Mass Index >30 kg/m2, n (%)

61 (36.5)

58 (25.2)

p < 0.05

 Low density lipoprotein cholesterol >1.8 mmol/l, n (%)

88 (52.7)

124 (53.9)

p = 0.66

 Blood pressure > 140/90 (140/80 diabetes) mmHg, n (%)

60 (35.9)

74 (32.2)

p = 0.74

 Diabetes, n (%)

16 (9.6)

36 (15.7)

p = 0.08

Psychosocial factors

 Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score - depression ≥11, n (%)

12 (7.2)

13 (5.7)

p = 0.61

 Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score - anxiety ≥11, n (%)

22 (13.2)

27 (11.7)

p = 0.81

 Type D personality disorder, n (%)

41 (24.6)

56 (24.3)

p = 0.89

 Worry score (PSWQc), mean (SD)

40.1 (13.9)

40.3 (13.9)

p = 0.87

 Insomniad, n (%)

80 (47.9)

114 (49.6)

p = 0.65

  1. a2–36 months after the index coronary event
  2. bPhysical activity less than 30 min of moderate activity 2–3 times weekly
  3. cWorry was assessed by the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ), a 16 item measure of pathological worry
  4. dMeasured by Bergen insomnia Scale