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Table 1 Baseline demographics and clinical characteristics

From: Sildenafil dosed concomitantly with bosentan for adult pulmonary arterial hypertension in a randomized controlled trial


Placebo (n = 53)

Sildenafil (n = 50)

Men, n (%)

12 (23)

13 (26)

Age, mean ± SD, y

56.9 ± 14.1

55.2 ± 15.1

Ethnicity, n (%)


45 (85)

44 (88)


2 (4)

4 (8)

 Other or unspecified

6 (11)

2 (4)

Primary diagnosis, n (%)


32 (60)

35 (70)

  Duration since diagnosis, median (range), y

1.3 (0.3–10.5)

1.5 (0.4–19.3)


21 (40)

15 (30)

  Duration since diagnosis, median (range), y

2.0 (0.3–8.1)

1.5 (0.3–7.2)







Bosentan treatment

 Dosage, n (%)


  62.5 mg BID

3 (6)

2 (4)

  125 mg BID

49 (93)

47 (94)

  Other or missing

1 (2)

1 (2)

 Duration, median (range), mo

11.4 (3.1–90.9)

11.2 (3.2–65.3)

   ≤ 1 y, n (%)

27 (51)

26 (52)

   > 1 y, n (%)

26 (49)

24 (48)

6MWD, mean ± SD, m

350.4 ± 87.6

354.4 ± 73.1

 <325 m, n (%)

17 (32)

15 (30)

 ≥325 m, n (%)

36 (68)

35 (70)

Strata (aetiology, baseline 6MWD), n (%)

 IPAH/HPAH, <325 m

7 (13)

10 (20)

 IPAH/HPAH, ≥325 m

25 (47)

25 (50)

 APAH-CTD, <325 m

10 (19)

5 (10)

 APAH-CTD, ≥325 m

11 (21)

10 (20)

WHO functional class, n (%)


15 (28)

20 (40)


38 (72)

29 (58)



1 (2)

Borg dyspnoea score, mean ± SD, median (range)

4.2 ± 1.9 4.0 (0.5–8.0)

4.1 ± 2.3 4.0 (0–8.0)

mPAP, mean ± SD, mmHg

44.9 ± 13.3

46.9 ± 12.5

  1. 6MWD 6-min walk distance, APAH-CTD connective tissue disease-associated PAH, IPAH/HPAH idiopathic/heritable PAH, mPAP mean pulmonary artery pressure, PAH pulmonary arterial hypertension, WHO World Health Organization
  2. aIncludes (n = 1 each) mixed connective tissue disease and Sharp syndrome in the placebo group; and CREST syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, Sharp syndrome, Sjögren syndrome, and Takayasu’s disease in the sildenafil group