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Table 1 General characteristics of control, CAD and ISR groups

From: Arterial stiffness in patients with coronary artery disease: relation with in-stent restenosis following percutaneous coronary intervention


Control group (n-58)

CAD group (n-160)

ISR group (n-23)

LM stenosis group (n-9)

Age (year)

59.5 ± 5.4

61.5 ± 4.8

62.1 ± 6.1

63.8 ± 8.4

Male n (%)

43 (72.9)

115 (71.7)

22 (95.7)

9 (100)

Female n (%)

16 (27.1)

45 (28.3)

1 (4.3)

0 (0)

Smoking n (%)

21 (35.6)

82 (51.3)

8 (34.8)

6 (66.6)

Cholesterol (mmol/L)

5.59 ± 1.45

5.38 ± 1.33

5.06 ± 1.56

5.45 ± 1.73

LDL (mmol/L)

3.84 ± 0.78

3.66 ± 0.51

3.58 ± 0.68

3.78 ± 1.44

HDL (mmol/L)

1.02 ± 0.43

1.08 ± 0.25

1.13 ± 0.58

1.06 ± 0.29

Triglycerides (mmol/L)

2.12 ± 0.91

1.92 ± 0.77

1.84 ± 0.98

1.79 ± 0.43

Heart rate (beats/min)

65.7 ± 6.1

64.1 ± 4,2

65.1 ± 9,7

64.7 ± 8,9

Mean blood pressure (mm Hg)

101.3 ± 5.6

104.6 ± 6,5

105.7 ± 8.9

106.1 ± 9.6

Diabetes mellitus n (%)

0.0 (0.0)

25 (15.7)

3 (13.0)

0 (0)

Glucose blood level (mmol/L)

5.17 ± 0.67

5.71 ± 1.73

8.23 ± 0.72

5.34 ± 0.89

Renal failure n (%)

0.0 (0.0)

6 (3.75)

1 (4.3)

1 (11,1)

Creatinine (μmol/L)

94.22 ± 22.96

98.30 ± 26.04


109.78 ± 32.12

SYNTAX scores


25.27 ± 4.1

19.33 ± 6.9

36.78 ± 14.47

Multiple stents n (%)


14 (16.1)

4 (17.3)


Stent diameter (mm)


3.01 ± 0.78

3.09 ± 0.93


Length of stent (mm)


18.4 ± 0.58

18.1 ± 2.42

  1. Data are shown as mean value ± SD
  2. CAD coronary artery disease, HDL low-density lipoprotein, ISR in-stent restenosis, LM left main, LDL high-density lipoprotein, SD standard deviation