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Table 1 Patient characteristics and outcomes (n = 63)

From: Quality of life after carotid endarterectomy



Age in years, median (P25–75)

70 (60–75)

Age group, n (%)


   ≥ 65 years

43 (68)

   < 65 years

20 (32)

Sex, n (%)



48 (76)


15 (24)

Body Mass Index in Kg/m2, median (P25–P75)

25 (24–28)

General anesthesia/Regional anesthesia, n. (%)

24 (38)/39 (62)

Duration of anesthesia (min.) median (P25–P75)

160 (140–180)

Temperature at admission on PACU, mean ± sd

35.8 ± 0.81

Troponin I at admission, mean ± sd

0.027 ± 0.22

Hypertension, n (%)

60 (95)

Hyperlipidemia, n (%)

53 (84)

Ischemic heart disease, n (%)

41 (65)

Congestive heart disease, n (%)

5 (8)

Cerebrovascular disease, n (%)

34 (54)

Insulin therapy for diabetes, n (%)

3 (5)

Preoperative serum creatinine > 2 mg/dl

1 (2)

Total RCRI, mean ± sd

1.35 ± 0.85

High-risk patients, n (%)

14 (22.2)

Neurological evaluation



13 (21)

   Severe bilateral carotid disease

19 (30)


4 (6)

   Transient ischaemic attack

15 (24)

   Stroke with full recovery

6 (10)

   Stroke with residual deficit

13 (21)

Katz scale, mean ± sd

0.22 ± 0.72

Dependency in I-ADL, n (%)

7 (11)

Lawton I-ADL scale, mean ± sd

6.1 ± 1.9

Dependency in P-ADL, n (%)

14 (22)

SAPS II, median (P25–75)

16 (12–21)

APACHE II, median (P25–75)

7 (6–10)

PACU length of stay (hours), median (P25–75)

21 (16–22)

Hospital length of stay (days), median (P25–75)

5 (4–7)

Mortality in PACU, n (%)

0 (0)

Mortality in hospital, n (%)

3 (4.8)

  1. RCRI, Revised Cardiac Risk Index I-ADL, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living; P-ADL, Personal Activities of Daily Living; SAPS II, Simplified Acute Physiology Score, PACU, Post Anesthesia Care Unit; P25 and P75 are the 25th and 75th percentiles.