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Table 4 Summary of heritability estimates of left ventricular mass trait

From: Heritability and major gene effects on left ventricular mass in the Chinese population: a family study

Author, year

Study design

Study population origins

Numbers of families/subjects

Adjusted covariate

Heritability estimate (h2)


Post et al. 1997 15

Relative pairs

Caucasians, Framingham families, no systemic diseases

2624 subjects

Age, height, weight, systolic blood pressure


Limit in subjects without systemic diseases nor medication history

Garner et al. 2000 13

Nuclear families

White, European families




Children population

Kotchen et al. 2000 19


African American, hypertensive, hyperlipidemia

68 sibpairs

Age, gender


FCOR and ASSOC in SAGE program to perform the analysis

Arnett et al. 2001 16


African Americans & white hypertensive

1664 siblings

Age, gender, systolic blood pressure, obesity

Sibling correlations 0.29–0.44 in African American, 0.04–0.12 in white

High sibling correlation in African Americans

Palatini et al. 2001 23

Nuclear families

Tecumseh Offspring Study

251 offspring and 290 parents

Age, gender, body height systolic blood pressure, insulin, urinary sodium excretion,

No estimate of h2, parental LV mass explained 7.6% of total variance of offspring LV mass

Multiple linear regression models Young offspring (mean 17 years old)

Mayosi et al. 2002 17

Extended families

British Caucasians, hypertensive probands from hospital or clinics


Age, systolic blood pressure, weight, height, WHR, diabetes


Ascertainment correction: yes

Swan et al. 2003 18


Caucasians, Population-based

55 pairs MZ vs. 55 pairs DZ

Age, gender, blood pressure, weight



Bella et al. 2004 12

Relative pairs, mostly sibpairs

American Indian families, different geographic location

455/1373, 1305 relative pairs, 1077 sibpairs

Age, gender, centers, weight, height, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, medication, diabetes

0.17(multiple adjusted) -0.27 (first three variates adjusted)

No significant heritability in Arizona Indians

Juo et al. 2005 20

Extended families

Caribbean Hispanics


Age, gender, weight


Adding systolic blood pressure, diabetes, medication did not affect the estimate

This report

Nuclear families

Ethnic Chinese, young probands, community-based


Age, gender, body mass index, blood pressure

0.15 (multiple adjusted) -0.27 (first 3 variates adjusted)