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Table 1 Patient baseline characteristics

From: Early decrease in carotid plaque lipid content as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging during treatment of rosuvastatin


Patients (n = 32)*

Age, mean (SD), y

60.8 ± 9.1


25 (78.1%)

Body mass index, mean (SD)†

24.5 ± 2.7

History of hypertension

25 (78.1%)

History of diabetes mellitus

10 (31.3%)

History of coronary heart disease

3 (9.4%)

History of cerebrovascular disease

10 (31.3%)

Current smoking

3 (9.4%)

Concomitant medications



10 (31.3%)


25 (78.1%)

Hypoglycemic agents

10 (31.3%)

  1. *Data are expressed as number (%) unless otherwise specified.
  2. †Calculated as weight (in kilograms) divided by the squared height (in meters).