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Table 3 Risk of bias assessment

From: The impact of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on the incidence of cardiovascular events and complications in peripheral arterial disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Selection bias

Performance bias

Attrition bias

Reporting bias

Other sources of bias

Overall risk of bias

Random sequence generation

Allocation concealment

Blinding of participants and personnel

Incomplete outcome data

Selective reporting

Gans 1990 [37]

Low risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Leng 1998 [34]

Low risk

Low risk

Low risk

High risk¶

Unclear risk

Unclear risk*

High risk

Carrero 2005 [35]

Low risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

High risk§

High risk

Carrero 2006 [36]

Low risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

High risk§

High risk

Ishikawa 2010 [38]

Low risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

  1. *Intervention group received gamma-linolenic acid, which was not supplied in control.
  2. §Intervention group received vitamins B6 and E, folate and oleic acid, which were not supplied in control.
  3. ¶Drop-out rate was > 30%.