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Table 2 The analysis process—overview

From: Voluntary first responders’ experiences of being dispatched to suspected out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in rural areas: an interview study

The analysis process

Authors’ responsibility in the analysis process

The analysis began with several individual open-minded readings of the transcripts to obtain a general understanding of and become immersed in the data

Performed independently by two authors (CA, EKA)

In the next step, the transcripts were abstracted into codes through writing notes and headings in the margins of the transcripts while reading them

Performed independently first by two authors (CA, EKA), who then get together and discussed the codes before compiling them into a coding sheet

The codes were transferred into tables, and grouped according to similarities and differences, with a focus on the aim of this study

The first author (CA) took the lead in the analysis, the last (EKA) acted as co-analyser

Through interpreting similarities and differences, further abstraction was achieved, resulting in six generic categories including sub-categories. As a final step, generic categories were grouped and once more reduced to a main category representing the abstracted results

The first author (CA) took the lead in the analysis, the last (EKA) acted as co-analyser

Finally, the other authors (BN, AS) validated the analysis by reading the transcripts and taking an active part in discussing the interpretation of the findings

All authors (CA, BN, AS, EKA)