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Table 5 Comparison of usual dietary intakea (from food only) in children between those from household with adults known to have cardiovascular disease (CVD) or risk factor vs. those without (other children)

From: Does the presence of cardiovascular disease risk factors or established disease influence the dietary intake of affected adults and their children residing in the same household? A secondary analysis of the Australian Health Survey (2011–2013)


Mean (95% Confidence Intervals)

Test Statisticsb

Children living in households with known adults with CVD or CVD risk factors

(n = 1609)

Other children

(n = 1109)

Total fat as a % of total energy intake

31.1% (30.6–31.6%)

31.1% (30.6%–31.7%)


Saturated fat +

Trans fat as a % of total energy intake

13.7% (13.4%–14.0%)

13.7% (13.3%–14.1%)


Alpha-linolenic acid

1.11 (1.06–1.17)

1.13 (1.08–1.18)


Total long chain omega 3 fatty acids

115.8 (107.7–124.0)

125.7 (113.4–138.1)



19.5 (18.9–20.1)

19.6 (19.0–20.3)



2300 (2222–2378)

2259 (2187–2331)


  1. a Usual intake estimated from two 24-h dietary recalls, adjusted for sequence (from personal interview or telephone interview), day of week (weekdays, Mon to Fri; or weekend days, Sat and Sun), age groups (18; 19–30; 31–50; 51–70, or >70 years) and gender
  2. b All test statistics were either > − 1.96 or <1.96, therefore none of the differences between the two groups were considered significant at the α = 0.05 level