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Table 1 Baseline characteristics and laboratory findings according to BMI groups a

From: Association of body mass index with risk of acute myocardial infarction and mortality in Norwegian male and female patients with suspected stable angina pectoris: a prospective cohort study


Total n = 4131

Normal weight n = 1395

Overweight n = 1970

Obese n = 766


Demographic characteristics


Male sex, n (%)

2989 (72.4)

959 (68.7)

1517 (77.0)

513 (67.0)


Age (years)c

62 (10)

63 (11)

61 (10)

60 (10)


Clinical parameters


Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

141 (20.7)

139 (21.0)

142 (20.6)

143 (20.3)


Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)

81.3 (10.4)

79.3 (10.3)

82.0 (10.1)

83.3 (10.7)


Left ventricular ejection fraction (%)

64.0 (11.3)

63.7 (11.9)

64.4 (10.7)

63.6 (11.8)


Cardiovascular risk factors, n (%)



496 (12.0)

123 (8.8)

209 (10.6)

164 (21.4)


Current smokere

1061 (25.7)

417 (29.9)

469 (23.9)

175 (22.9)


Ex smokerf

1933 (46.9)

571 (40.6)

975 (49.6)

387 (50.7)


Family history of coronary heart diseaseg

1253 (31.1)

417 (30.8)

573 (29.7)

263 (35.1)


Cardiovascular history, n (%)


Previous acute myocardial infarction

1670 (40.4)

564 (40.4)

784 (39.8)

322 (42.0)


Previous cerebrovascular disease

286 (6.9)

100 (7.2)

128 (6.5)

58 (7.6)


Previous peripheral vascular arterial disease

371 (9.0)

153 (11.0)

148 (7.5)

70 (9.1)


Previous percutaneous coronary intervention

794 (19.2)

250 (17.9)

396 (20.1)

148 (19.3)


Previous coronary artery bypass graft surgery

477 (11.5)

150 (10.8)

238 (12.1)

89 (11.6)


Extent of coronary artery disease at baseline as assessed by coronary angiography, n (%)


No significant coronary artery disease

1030 (24.9)

367 (26.3)

467 (23.7)

196 (25.6)


1-vessel disease

958 (23.2)

306 (21.9)

482 (24.5)

170 (22.2)


2-vessel disease

923 (22.3)

308 (22.1)

440 (22.3)

175 (22.8)



1220 (29.5)

414 (29.7)

581 (29.5)

225 (29.4)


Comorbidity at baseline, n (%)


Pulmonary disease

367 (8.9)

139 (10.0)

140 (7.1)

88 (11.5)



4 (0.1)

2 (0.1)

1 (0.1)

1 (0.1)


Medication following baseline coronary angiography, n (%)


Acetylsalisylic acid

3376 (81.7)

1114 (79.9)

1638 (83.1)

624 (81.5)



3310 (80.1)

1064 (76.3)

1626 (82.5)

620 (80.9)



2994 (72.5)

970 (69.5)

1456 (73.9)

568 (74.2)


ACE inhibitors

858 (20.8)

243 (17.4)

403 (20.5)

212 (27.7)


Loop diuretics

447 (10.8)

127 (9.1)

182 (9.2)

138 (18.0)


Coronary revascularization following baseline coronary angiography, n (%)


Percutaneous coronary intervention

1348 (32.6)

432 (31.0)

663 (33.7)

253 (33.0)


Coronary artery bypass graft surgery

892 (21.6)

302 (21.6)

438 (22.2)

152 (19.8)


Biochemical markers


Creatinine (μmol/L)

92.6 (31.1)

92.5 (33.4)

93.0 (32.0)

91.8 (23.4)


eGFR (mL/min)

87.8 (17.3)

86.2 (17.7)

88.5 (16.6)

88.9 (17.8)


CRP (mg/L)

3.69 (7.17)

3.34 (7.93)

3.59 (6.67)

4.60 (6.85)


Glucose (mmol/L)

6.35 (2.40)

5.93 (2.24)

6.32 (2.28)

7.20 (2.79)


HbA1c (mmol/L)

6.22 (1.38)

6.12 (1.28)

6.18 (1.41)

6.51 (1.45)


Hemoglobin (g/dL)

14.2 (1.24)

13.9 (1.24)

14.4 (1.18)

14.4 (1.29)


ApoA1 (g/L)

1.32 (0.27)

1.37 (0.29)

1.30 (0.25)

1.27 (0.26)


ApoB (g/L)

0.90 (0.25)

0.87 (0.24)

0.91 (0.24)

0.93 (0.26)


Total cholesterol (mmol/L)

5.07 (1.17)

5.02 (1.14)

5.08 (1.18)

5.10 (1.19)


LDL cholesterol (mmol/L)

3.09 (1.03)

3.05 (1.02)

3.12 (1.00)

3.11 (1.10)


HDL cholesterol (mmol/L)

1.29 (0.38)

1.42 (0.43)

1.25 (0.34)

1.17 (0.32)


Triglycerides (mmol/L)

1.78 (1.22)

1.43 (0.90)

1.86 (1.28)

2.22 (1.39)


Lp(a) (mmol/L)

0.42 (0.39)

0.41 (0.39)

0.43 (0.39)

0.42 (0.39)


WENBIT intervention trial, n (%)

2560 (62.0)

797 (57.1)

1283 (65.1)

480 (62.7)


B6, n (% of WENBIT participants)

1275 (49.8)

394 (49.4)

657 (51.2)

224 (46.7)


Folate/B12, n (% of WENBIT participants)

1282 (50.1)

409 (51.3)

649 (50.6)

224 (46.7)


  1. ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; ApoA1, apolipoprotein A1; ApoB, apolipoprotein B; BMI, body mass index; CRP, c-reactive protein; eGFR, esitimated glomerular filtration rate; HDL, high density lipoprotein; LDL, low density lipoprotein; Lp(a), lipoprotein (a).
  2. aNormal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9 kg/m2), overweight (BMI 25–29.9 kg/m2) and obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2).
  3. bBased on between group differences calculated by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for continuous variables and Chi squared test for categorical variables.
  4. cMean (SD).
  5. dIncludes DM type 1 and 2.
  6. eSmokers included self-reported current smoking, those who quit smoking within <1 month and patients with plasma cotinine >85 ng/mL.
  7. fPatients reported to have quit smoking > 1 month prior to inclusion.
  8. gIncluded those reporting to have at least one 1st degree relative suffering from CAD before the age of 55 for men and 65 for women.