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Table 1 Socio-demographical and medical variables

From: Cognitive function after cardiac arrest and temperature management; rationale and description of a sub-study in the Target Temperature Management trial





Co morbidities


▪Chronic heart failure (NYHA 3 or worse)


▪Previous acute myocardial infarction


▪Ischemic heart disease


▪Previous cardiac arrhythmia


▪Arterial hypertension


▪Previous neurological disease


▪Diabetes mellitus


▪Asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Pre-hospital variables (only CA patients)


▪Location of cardiac arrest


▪Bystander witnessed arrest


▪Bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)


▪First monitored rhythm at arrival of emergency medical service


▪Use of active compression-decompression device


▪Time from cardiac arrest to start of basic life support


▪Time from arrest to start of advanced life support


▪Time from arrest to return of spontaneous circulation


▪Cardiac interventions


▪Percutaneous coronary intervention


▪Coronary bypass grafting


▪Valvular surgery


▪Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator



Hospital length-of-stay


Pre-arrest Cerebral Performance Category (CPC)


Level of education (≥12 years/<12 years)


Medications at the time of the arrest (MI)


Medications at the time of the follow-up


Disabilities that could affect the test performance











Time from CA/MI to follow-up


Employment status (pre-arrest/follow-up)


Place of stay at the time of follow-up