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Table 3 The results of RFCA

From: Premature ventricular contractions originating from the left ventricular septum: Results of Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation in twenty patients


Anterosuperior group (n = 11)

Posteroinferior group (n = 9)

*P value

Procedure duration (min)

72.29 ± 9.71

80.57 ± 18.32


Radiation exposure time (min)

13.53 ± 5.88

14.29 ± 6.95


Time of the earliest ventricular activation preceding the QRS onset (ms)

30.80 ± 3.70

33.20 ± 2.95


RF lesions prior to success

3.3 ± 1.3

4.3 ± 1.4


Immediate ablation success rate




Recurrent rate (%)

0/9 (0%)

1/8 (12.5%)


Follow-up time (month)

19.43 ± 15.68

21.14 ± 16.21


The average cost of ablation per patient (RMB)

15740.00 ± 2219.16

16440.00 ± 2619.16


  1. * P values were compared between the two groups. RMB: Ren Min Bi or China Yuan (China's Currency).