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Fig. 1 | BMC Cardiovascular Disorders

Fig. 1

From: Study rationale and design of a study of EMPAgliflozin’s effects in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and Coronary ARtery disease: the EMPA-CARD randomized controlled trial

Fig. 1

Pathways contributing to the development of micro- and macro-vascular complications in patients with T2DM and insulin resistance (only coronary artery disease, retinopathy and nephropathy are illustrated). Red boxes Indicate where the trial’s primary objective (potential molecular effects of empagliflozin on inflammatory state) will be assessed. The concept was derived from the studies of Bugger et al. and Oguntibeju et al. [15, 16]. IL-6 interleukin 6, IL-1 interleukin 1, ROS reactive oxygen species, CRP C-reactive protein, GBM glomerular basement membrane, LDL low density lipoprotein, WBC white blood cell, PDGF platelet derived growth factor, TGF-β transforming growth factor beta

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