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Table 3 Overview of treatment components

From: Efficacy of team-based collaborative care for distressed patients in secondary prevention of chronic coronary heart disease (TEACH): study protocol of a multicenter randomized controlled trial

Treatment components


Usual care


Informed of risk factor status



Informed of randomization status



Regularly contacted by nurse care manager over 12 months



Receives personalized text messages to support healthy behavior



Gets access to website offering educational materials and supervised chatroom



Nurse care manager

Phones patients at regular intervals over 12 months to provide support for managing distress and CHD risk


   (a) basic education re: CHD and treatment goals;



   (b) psychoeducation re: distress and mental health;



   (c) links to web resources and review lessons;



   (d) motivational interviewing and problem-solving techniques as needed



   (e) encourages and reviews health behaviors (smoking cessation, diet exercise, sleep, relaxation, medication adherence, etc.).;



   (f) confirms use of guideline-recommended treatments to target



   (g) promotes adherence/adjustment of pharmacotherapy in concert with patient’s treating physician;



   (h) promotes self-monitoring of BP, diet, doctor visits & reviews results;



   (i) monitors for treatment response, relays information to treating physician;



   (j) screens for suicidal ideation and cardiac instability



   (k) suggests referrals to cardiology, psychotherapy, self-help as appropriate



Sends individualized text message reminders between calls



Moderates web chatroom



Meets with TCT in weekly videoconferences to discuss patient progress and treatment recommendations



Relates TCT recommendations to treating physicians for consideration



Treating physicians

Informed of their patients’ baseline risk factor status and treatment assignment



Provide care for their patients’ distress and CHD risk



Can initiate, adjust, or discontinue pharmacotherapy



Receive regular progress reports from the care manager



Receive TCT recommendation for treatment adjustment



Offered assistance with patient referral to specialist care or self-help groups etc



Informed if medical or mental condition significantly worsens (e.g., chest pain, suicidality)


( +)*

  1. BP blood pressure, CHD coronary heart disease, TCT TeamCare Team
  2. * Treating physicians of UC patients will be informed of worsening condition observed during blinded assessments only