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Table 1 Levels of body weight and Scr and lipid profiles

From: Aggravated endothelial endocrine dysfunction and intimal thickening of renal artery in high-fat diet-induced obese pigs following renal denervation



After 6 months


Control group

Sham group

RDN group

Control group

Sham group

RDN group

TC (mmol/L)

2.71 ± 0.17

2.75 ± 0.16

2.80 ± 0.14

3.20 ± 0.16#

3.34 ± 0.23#

3.23 ± 0.18#

TG (mmol/L)

1.40 ± 0.14

1.37 ± 0.17

1.35 ± 0.21

1.35 ± 0.17

1.44 ± 0.12

1.40 ± 0.17

HDL-C (mmol/L)

1.41 ± 0.13

1.41 ± 0.11

1.38 ± 0.13

1.15 ± 0.10##

1.08 ± 0.04##

1.11 ± 0.06#

LDL-C (mmol/L)

2.63 ± 0.17

2.56 ± 0.12

2.62 ± 0.13

2.63 ± 0.09

2.54 ± 014

2.63 ± 0.12

Scr (umol/L)

80.57 ± 6.98

78.29 ± 7.10

77.60 ± 3.27

83.78 ± 5.85

80.07 ± 5.78

82.98 ± 4.72

Body weight (kg)

24.80 ± 2.97

24.40 ± 2.21

25.20 ± 1.75

68.3 ± 1.44###

68.00 ± 1.54###

66.60 ± 1.82###

  1. Data are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation. #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01, ###p < 0.001 vs. baseline; n = 5 per group. Abbreviations: RDN, renal denervation; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglyceride; HDL-C, high density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, low density lipoprotein cholesterol; Scr, serum creatinine