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Table 2 Intervention Characteristics

From: The effect of mobile applications for improving adherence in cardiac rehabilitation: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Author and Country

Key components of intervention

Function of mobile applications

Application terminal

Forman et al.2014, USA [22]

HC app; HC-based Web dashboard

a to-do list with medications, walking, education, and surveys; tracking of physical activity; feedback from clinician

iPhone (version 3 or higher), an iPad, or an iPod touch (version 4 or higher)

Harzand et al.2018, USA [23]

smartphone platform smartphone app; hospital --facing online dashboard

remote patient monitoring; care coordination by a trained cardiology PA

Samsung Galaxy S4 or comparable

Laustsen et al. 2018, Denmark [24]

SportsMedicin app; HR monitor (Zephyr BioHarnessTM)

remote patient monitoring training intensity

Sony Xperia

Rosario et al.2018, Australia [25]

STAHR app; BP monitor and digital weight scale

receive feedback with activity through the app

Samsung Galaxy SIII (SG3)

Skobel et al.2017, German [26]

GEx system: smartphone app wearable sensor measuring information of one-lead ECG, HR, respiration rate and activity level; web-based tool for medical professionals

exercise guiding; feedback from clinician remote patient monitoring; be alerted in case of problems

No specified

Varnfield et al.2014, Australia [27]

CAP-CR: StepCounter app; health monitor of step counter, BP weight; web for clinician

motivational and educational materials delivering; remote patient monitoring; feedback from clinician

No specified

Widmer et al.2015, USA [28]

PHA app

daily tasks for healthy lifestyle behaviors; tracking of

No specified

Widmer et al.2017, USA [29]


progress, log weight, BP, lab values, daily activity, diet; feedback from clinician

  1. Key: HC Heart Coach, APP Application, PA Physician Assistant, STAHR Smartphone Technology and Heart Rehabilitation, GEx Guide Exercise, HR Heart Rate, ECG Electrocardiogram, CAP Care Assessment Platform, BP Blood Pressure, PHA Personal Health Assistant