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Table 3 Associations between age, sex and the mean differences in Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation between the in-office cardio-preventive screening program and clinical examination programa

From: Effect of blood pressure and total cholesterol measurement on risk prediction using the Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE)


Linear regression

Quantile regression







b [95% CI]

b [95% CI]

b [95% CI]

b [95% CI]

b [95% CI]

b [95% CI]

Model 1: Difference between SCORESP and SCOREEP/BP-first


−0.012 [−0.048, 0.025]

−0.013 [− 0.043, 0.016]

−0.009 [− 0.026, 0.008]

−0.013 [− 0.029, 0.003]

−0.021 [− 0.033, − 0.009]

−0.011 [− 0.020, − 0.002]


0.025 [− 0.388, 0.438]

0.045 [− 0.330, 0.420]

0.084 [− 0.127, 0.295]

0.111 [− 0.094, 0.317]

0.204 [0.051, 0.356]

0.153 [0.039, 0.268]

Model 2: Difference between SCORESP and SCOREEP/BP-mean


− 0.003 [− 0.041, 0.035]

−0.003 [− 0.014, 0.008]

−0.004 [− 0.024, 0.015]

−0.014 [− 0.262, − 0.002]

−0.017 [− 0.028, − 0.006]

−0.022 [− 0.030, − 0.129]


0.075 [− 0.349, 0.499]

0.046 [0.103, 0.194]

0.132 [− 0.121, 0.385]

0.176 [0.020, 0.332]

0.202 [0.059, 0.344]

0.247 [0.135, 0.359]

  1. Bold coefficients indicate significant effects
  2. q quantile, b coefficient, CI confidence interval
  3. aAnalyses were adjusted for setting of recruitment, duration between cardio-preventive screening and clinical examination program, and the SCORE value at the in-office screening program. SCORESP was based on total cholesterol and the single reading of systolic blood pressure at the in-office screening program. SCOREEP/BP-first (SCOREEP/BP-mean) were based on total cholesterol and the first reading (the mean of the second and third reading) of systolic blood pressure at clinical examination program