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Table 3 Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients referred for cardiac rehabilitation (service evaluation)

From: Introduction of a novel service model to improve uptake and adherence with cardiac rehabilitation within Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust


Cohort 1

Cohort 2



Entered CR

Declined CR


Entered CR

Declined CR

(n = 559)

(n = 415)

(n = 144)

(n = 788)

(n = 649)

(n = 139)

Age at index eventa (years)

66.6 (11.6)

66.3 (10.9)

67.7 (13.4)

66.3 (12.5)

65.5 (12.2)d***

69.9 (13.3)


414 (74.1%)

305 (73.5%)

109 (75.7%)

590 (74.9%)

489 (75.3%)

101 (72.7%)

Index eventb


206 (36.9%)

153 (36.9%)


248 (31.5%)

216 (33.3%)d**

32 (23.0%)


173 (30.9%)

112 (27.0%)

61 (42.4%)

256 (32.5%)

191 (29.4%)

65 (46.8%)


79 (14.1%)

70 (16.9%)

9 (6.3%)

99 (12.6%)

90 (13.9%)

9 (6.5%)


10 (1.8%)

8 (1.9%)

2 (1.4%)

51 (6.5%)e***

42 (6.5%)

9 (6.5%)


5 (0.9%)

5 (1.2%)

0 (0.0%)

15 (1.9%)

9 (1.4%)

6 (4.3%)


0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

2 (0.3%)

1 (0.2%)

1 (0.7%)


86 (15.4%)

67 (16.1%)

19 (13.2%)

117 (14.8%)

100 (15.4%)

17 (12.2%)

Time from index event to dischargec (days)

2.0 (1.0–7.0) (n = 555)

3.0 (1.0–7.0) (n = 411)

1.0 (0.0–4.3)

2.0 (0.0–7.0) (n = 787)

2.0 (0.0–7.0)

2.0 (0.0–7.0) (n = 138)

  1. CR cardiac rehabilitation, MI myocardial infarction, PCI percutaneous coronary intervention, CABG coronary artery bypass grafting, HF heart failure, ICD implantable cardioverter defibrillator
  2. Data presented as amean (SD), bn (%) or cmedian (IQR), dadjusted P comparing Cohort 2 patients entering and not entering CR; eadjusted P comparing Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 patients
  3. * P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001