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Table 2 Classification of 54 publications providing guidance about exercise in coronary heart disease

From: Exploration of the methodological quality and clinical usefulness of a cross-sectional sample of published guidance about exercise training and physical activity for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease

Characteristic or classification

Number of publications (%)

Main scope of publication

 General diagnosis/management of various cardiovascular conditions

28 (51.9)

 To provide cardiac rehabilitation (CR) guidance

15 (27.8)

 To provide exercise or physical activity guidance

11 (20.4)

Type of exercise recommendation

 Detailed: Specific recommendations for exercise protocol or CR

24 (44.4)

 Broad: Physical activity recommendations and/or advocate referral to CR

30 (55.6)

   Physical activity recommendations and advocate referral to CR


   Advocate referral to CR


   Provide physical activity recommendations only


Classification of guidance type

 Clinical Guideline

30 (55.6)

 Scientific Statement

7 (13.0)

 Position Stands/Statement

7 (13.0)

 Consensus Statement

3 (5.6)

 Core Components

2 (3.7)


2 (3.7)


2 (3.7)


1 (1.9)