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Table 1 Baseline Characteristics

From: Mid-term results of interventional closure of patent foramen ovale with the Occlutech Figulla® Flex II Occluder


Age (yrs)

47.3 ± 1.5

Gender (male sex)

32/57 (56.1 %)

Body-mass index (kg/m2)

26.4 ± 0.8

Arterial Hypertension

23/57 (40.4 %)

Diabetes mellitus

4/57 (7.0 %)


24/57 (42.1 %)

Cerebrovascular Event


 - TIA

16/57 (28.1 %)

 - Stroke

39/57 (68.4 %)

Peripheral embolism

4/57 (7.0 %)

Atrial septum aneurysm

50/55 (90.9 %) a

Significant interatrial right-to-left-shunt

46/50 (92.0 %) b

  1. Values are given n (%), except age and body-mass index given as mean ± SEM, no record in a2, b7 patients