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Table 2 Main types of costs associated with AAA screening

From: Is population screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm cost-effective?

1. Invitation to screening (and re-invitations for non-attenders).

Includes clerical staff time, postage and stationery, cost of obtaining patient details, office space and equipment, overheads.

2. Ultrasonograpgy (and re-scan and surveillance).

Includes clinic staff time, staff travel cost, disposables, annuitization of capital expenditures, maintenance and service contracts, office space/charge of locations.

3. Surgery (pre-assessments for suitability, elective aneurysm repairs (as well as emergency surgery for ruptures) hospitalization).

Includes theatre time, time spent in intensive care and general ward, drugs, blood products, non-pathological investigations, graft inserted, and overheads.

4. Hospital and community care (short and long term)

Includes readmissions, graft surveillance and secondary procedures after surgery, visits to general practitioner, outpatient attendances and patient pathways due to surgical complications (dialysis-dependent renal failure, stroke, myocardial infarction, and major amputation).

5. Patient and family resources.

Includes transportation expenditures, medicine and time cost.

6. Resources in other sectors.

Includes social services (e.g. home help and nursing homes).