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Table 1 Criteria for statistical interpretation

From: An examination of factors influencing the choice of therapy for patients with coronary artery disease





Strength of association


≈ 0.01

small association


≈ 0.06

medium association


≈ 0.14

large association



< 0.3

little or no association


0.3 to 0.7

weak association


0.7 to 1.0

strong association

Regression model evaluation

deviance statistic


significance of unexplained (residual) variance in the dependent variable; thus is desired to be non-significant


Nagelkerke's R2


the association between predictor variables and the outcome variable. Statistic ranges from 0 to 1 with higher scores indicating stronger associations.


% of correctly classified cases


calculated at the start of the procedure and at the end of the analysis using the cut-off point of 0.5 for the estimated probability of the outcome variable




the proportion of true positives or the proportion of cases correctly identified by the test as meeting the response category




the proportion of true negatives or the proportion of cases correctly identified by the test as meeting the reference category


c statistic


varies from 0.5 (the models predictions are no better than chance) to 1 (the model always assigns the higher probabilities to correct cases than incorrect ones)