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Table 2 Patients' characteristics at randomisation. If not otherwise stated, data is arithmetic mean and standard deviation.

From: Effects of an interactive CD-program on 6 months readmission rate in patients with heart failure – a randomised, controlled trial [NCT00311194]

Patient characteristics



Number of patients



Sex (F/M)



Age, years (range)

70.8 (41–88)

70.3 (34–89)

Weight, kg

81.8 (20.2)

77.6 (17.3)

Height, cm

173.6 (8.2)

172.0 (9.6)

Treatment at randomisation


Diuretics, n (%)

95 (90)

110 (90)

ACE-inhibitors, n (%)

85 (79)

99 (81)

Beta-blockers, n (%)

46 (43)

67 (55)

Spironolactone, n (%)

24 (22)

22 (18)

Digitalis, n (%)

28 (26)

54 (44)*

Aspirin, n (%)

36 (33)

60 (49)*

Blood chemistry


Creatinine, μmol/L

120.1 (43.0)

111.4 (42.4)

Glucose, mmol/L (median, inter-quartile range)

5.5 (4.8–7.2)

5.65 (4.7–6.7)

Potassium, mmol/L

4.0 (0.4)

4.0 (0.4)

  1. * Significant differences between treatment groups (Fisher's exact test), p = 0.004 and 0.016 respectively.