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Table 1 Minnesota classification of ECGs

From: T wave abnormalities, high body mass index, current smoking and high lipoprotein (a) levels predict the development of major abnormal Q/QS patterns 20 years later. A population-based study

ECG abnormalities

Minnesota Code


Q or QS pattern


Q duration ≥ 0.04s in I, II, V2–V6.


Q duration ≥ 0.05s in both aVF and III.


QS pattern through V1–V4, V5 and V6.


QS pattern when R wave is present in adjacent precordial lead to the right V2–V6.

ST segment depression


4.1: ST-depression ≥ 1 mm in I, II, aVL, aVF, V1–V6.


4.2: ST depression 0.5–0.9 mm in I, II, aVL, aVF, V1–V6.

T wave items


5.1: T amplitude ≥ 5 mm in I, II V2–V6 when R amplitude ≥ 5 mm in aVL when QRS mainly upright in aVF.


5.2: T amplitude = -1 to -5 in I, II, V2–V6 when R amplitude ≥ 5 mm in aVL when QRS mainly upright in aVF.


5.3: T wave flat or small diphasic in I, II, V2–V6 when R amplitude ≥ in aVL when QRS mainly upright in aVF.


5.4: T amplitude positive and T/R amplitude radio <1/20 in any of leads I, aVL, V6: R wave amplitude must be ≥ 10.0 mm.