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Table 2 Clinical scenarios and associated 10-year CVD risk estimates

From: Providing clinicians with a patient’s 10-year cardiovascular risk improves their statin prescribing: a true experiment using clinical vignettes

Clinical scenario (n = number responding to the question in the control group)

Calculated 10-year Framingham risk for coronary artery disease

Mean predicted 10-year cardiovascular risk and interquartile range among respondents in the control group* (N = 243)

p-value for differences between calculated and mean predicted 10-year CVD risk

Case 1. A 52 year-old woman with no chronic conditions, no history of tobacco or family history of cardiovascular disease; blood pressure 128/82, pulse 72, BMI 30; after a trial of diet and exercise, total cholesterol 260 mg/dL, triglycerides 145 mg/dL, HDL 56 mg/dL, and LDL-C 175 mg/dL (n = 235)


11.2 [9.5-12.8]


Case 2. A 70 year-old man with hypertension, treated with a thiazide, and osteoarthritis. He quit tobacco 40 years ago; blood pressure 136/80, pulse 70; after a trial of diet and exercise, total cholesterol 208 mg/dL, triglycerides 190 mg/dL, HDL 42 mg/dL, and LDL-C 128 mg/dL (n = 232).


19.3 [17.3-21.3]


Case 3. A 55 year-old woman with hypertension, treated with a calcium channel blocker, and obesity; she smokes 1 pack of cigarettes daily, and has no family history of cardiovascular disease or diabetes; blood pressure 128/82, pulse 72, BMI 32; after a trial of diet and exercise, total choleseterol is 200 mg/dL, triglycerides 125 mg/dL, HDL 40 mg/dL, and LDL-C 135 mg/dL (n = 233).


19.7 [17.5-21.9]


Case 4. A 52 year-old man with hypertension, treated with a thiazide; he smokes 1 pack of cigarettes daily, and has no family history of cardiovascular disease; blood pressure is 128/82, pulse 72; after a trial of diet and exercise, total cholesterol is 145 mg/dL, triglycerides 125 mg/dL, HDL 30 mg/dL, and LDL-C 90 mg/dL (n = 231)


16.7 [14.9-18.5]


Case 5. A 71 year-old man with hypertension, treated with an ace inhibitor, and benign prostatic hyperplasia; he quit tobacco 30 years ago; blood pressure 136/80, pulse 70; total cholesterol 178 mg/dL, triglycerides 190 mg/dL, HDL 44 mg/dL, and LDL-C 96 mg/dL (n = 228)


15.9 [14.3-17.5]


  1. *Mean predicted 10-year CVD risk based on one-sample t-test.