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Table 3 Reports

From: Heart failure among Indigenous Australians: a systematic review


Population and Calendar period


Key findings pertinent to heart failure

Validity and generalizability issues (including Indigenous identification)

1. Prevalence or incidence, either population-based or within clinical groups or clinical service settings

NATSIHS Survey reported in Penm (2008) [33]

Whole of Australia Indigenous population (Residents in Very Remote areas not included in non-Indigenous NHS comparator group)


Standardised prevalence ratio of HF among Indigenous Australians 1.7 (males 1.9; females 1.6)

• Ascertainment of HF based on self-report; conflated with self-report of oedema.

Cross-sectional survey

Data source: questionnaire of persons usually resident in private dwellings

• Comparator non-Indigenous data excluded subjects in Very Remote areas.

Period: August 2004 to July 2005

Outcome: Self-reported health problems

• Low precision of SPR estimate, especially for males

• Indigenous status according to self-identification in Census

2. Aetiology, risk factors, clinical presentation and pathophysiology


3. Co-morbidities


4. Mortality & survival

Field (2003) [34]

SA, Qld, WA, NT population

Design: Descriptive study

Indigenous HF mortality rates almost threefold higher than non-Indigenous. Disproportionately high HF mortality among Indigenous males aged 55–64 years.

• Rates calculated for population aged ≥45 years only

Data source: Administrative data (NMD)

• Inter-jurisdictional variation in Indigenous identification data quality

Period: 1995–96 to 1997–98 and 1998–99 to 2000-01

Outcome: Deaths

• Inherent shortcomings of HF identification on death certificates

Penm (2008) [33]

SA, Qld, WA, NT population

Design: Descriptive study

Age-adjusted Indigenous HF mortality rates more than double non-Indigenous rates.

• Inter-jurisdictional variation in Indigenous identification data quality

Period: 2002-05

Data source: Administrative data (NMD)

In 45–64 year age-group, mortality rate ratio 6.4.

• Inherent shortcomings of HF identification on death certificates

Outcome: Deaths

5. Quality of life


6. Therapeutic interventions


7. Health service utilisation (including medication adherence, outpatient attendances, hospitalisations, cardiac rehabilitation)

(a) Primary care attendances

BEACH Survey reported in AIHW (2008) [35]

GP practices Australia-wide

Design: Cross-sectional survey

Crude proportion of HF encounters lower among Indigenous (1.0/100, CI 0.6-1.3) than non-Indigenous patients (0.7, CI 0.7-0.8)

• Data difficult to interpret: not person-based (cannot identify recurrent attendances for the same person), estimates conflate differences in underlying morbidity with differences in service access and utilisation

Period: 2002–03 to 2006-07

Data source: Written questionnaires (100 consecutive encounters from ~1000 participating GPs nationwide)

Age-standardised proportion of HF encounters higher for Indigenous patients (ratio 2.6)

Outcome: Indications for GP encounters

• No formal basis for Indigenous identification; patients not providing Indigenous status conflated with ‘non-Indigenous’

• Imprecise estimates for Indigenous attendances

Beach Survey AIHW (2011) [36]

GPs Australia-wide

Design: Cross-sectional survey

Crude proportion of HF encounters lower among Indigenous (0.9/100, CI 0.6-1.2) than non-Indigenous patients (0.7, CI 0.7-0.7)

• Data difficult to interpret: not person-based (cannot identify recurrent attendances for the same person), estimates conflate differences in underlying morbidity with differences in service access and utilisation

Period: April 2004-March 2005 to April 2008-March 2009

Data source: Written questionnaires (100 consecutive encounters from ~1000 participating GPs nationwide)

Age-standardised proportion of HF encounters higher for Indigenous patients (ratio 2.6)

Outcome: Indications for GP encounters

• No formal basis for Indigenous identification; patients not providing Indigenous status conflated with ‘non-Indigenous

Imprecise estimates for Indigenous attendances

(b) Hospitalisations

Nichol (1999) [37]

Patients admitted to Australian public and private hospitals

Design: Descriptive study

970 separations with principal diagnosis HF among indigenous; 39,305 Non-Indigenous

• Separation rate-ratio not provided

Data source: Administrative data (NHMD)

Crude average length of hospital stay for ‘congestive heart failure) shorter for Indigenous than non-Indigenous patients (6.5 vs 9.4 days)

• Data not person-based: cannot identify recurrent separations for the same person

Period:July 1995-June 1996

Outcome: Principal diagnosis reported for hospital separations


• Indigenous identification varies between jurisdictions, Indigenous identity likely under-identified at a single separation

• Caveats of HF-related code as principal diagnosis

Field (2003) [34]

Patients admitted to SA and NT hospitals only

Design: Descriptive study

July 1998-June 2001 triennium: age-standardised separation rates (HF or hypertensive heart disease) higher among Indigenous than non-Indigenous patients (males: 1555/105 vs 743/105; females: 1579/105 vs 541/105)

• Rates calculated for population aged ≥45 years only

Data source: Administrative data (NHMD)

• Data not person-based so cannot distinguish repeat recurrent separations for the same person.

Period: 1995–96 to 1997–98 and 1998–99 to 2000-01

Outcome: Principal diagnosis reported for hospital separations

HF hospitalisation rates fell among both sexes, in both Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations, between 1995–98 and 1998–2001 triennia.

• Not nationwide data: SA/NT only.

• Indigenous identity likely under-identified at a single separation.

AIHW (2008) [35]

Patients admitted to private (excluding NT) and public hospitals in NSW, Vic, Qld, WA, SA and NT.

Design: Descriptive study

Age-standardised hospital separation ratio (Indigenous:non-Indigenous) for HF 3.4.

• Data not person-based: cannot identify recurrent separations for the same person

Data source: Administrative data (NHMD)

Average bed days for congestive heart failure 5.7 (Indigenous patients); 7.7 (non-Indigenous)

• Report restricted to jurisdictions with better Indigenous identification, however this varies between included jurisdictions, Indigenous identity likely under-identified at a single separation

Period: July 2004 to June 2006

Outcome: Diagnoses reported for hospital separations

AIHW (2011) [36]

Patients admitted to private (excluding NT) and public hospitals in NSW, Vic, Qld, WA, SA and NT.

Design: Descriptive study

Age-standardised hospital separation ratio (Indigenous:non-Indigenous) for HF 3.0.

• Data not person-based: cannot identify recurrent separations for the same person

Data source: Administrative data (NHMD)

Period: July 2006 to June 2008

Outcome: Diagnoses reported for hospital separations

Average bed days for congestive heart failure 5.4 (Indigenous patients); 7.5 (non-Indigenous)

• Report restricted to jurisdictions with better Indigenous identification, however this varies between included jurisdictions, Indigenous identity likely under-identified at a single separation

Steering Committee (2011) [38]

Patients admitted to private (excluding NT) and public hospitals in NSW, Vic, Qld, WA, SA and NT.

Design: Descriptive study

Age-standardised hospital separation rates for congestive heart failure 6.1 (Indigenous) vs 2.0 (non-Indigenous)

• Data not person-based: cannot identify recurrent separations for the same person

Data source: Administrative data (NHMD)

Period: 2008-09

Outcome: Diagnoses reported for hospital separations

• Indigenous identification varies between jurisdictions, Indigenous identity likely under-identified at a single separation

AIHW (2011) [39]

Patients admitted to public and private hospitals in all states and territories.

Design: Descriptive study

Crude hospital separation rates for congestive heart failure:

• Data from all states and territories.

Data source: Administrative data (NHMD)

Indigenous: 2.8/1000 Non-Indigenous: 2.1/1000

• Data not person-based: cannot identify recurrent separations for the same person

Period: 2008-2009

Outcome: Principal diagnosis reported for hospital separations

(Rate ratio: 1.33)

• Rates adjusted for Indigenous under-identification.

• Crude rates only.

Bureau of Health Information (NSW) (2011) [40]

Patients >45 years admitted to public and private hospitals in NSW.

Design: Descriptive study

2% of ‘potentially avoidable’ HF admissions of patients occurred among patients identified as Aboriginal, with ‘2% of the NSW population’ considered to be Aboriginal.

• Data not person-based: cannot identify recurrent separations for the same person

Data source: Administrative data (APDC)

Period: July 2009-June 2010

Outcome: ‘potentially avoidable’ admissions for specified conditions (including HF)

• Crude proportion only

No adjustment for Indigenous under-identification in hospitalisation data

Bureau of Health Information (NSW) (2012) [41]

Patients >45 years with pre-existing record of HF hospitalisation admitted to public and private hospitals in NSW.

Design: Cohort study

Patients with pre-identified HF admitted on >1 occasion with HF during year of study were more likely to be Aboriginal (3%) than those with 0–1 HF admissions (2%)

• Person-based data

Data source: Linked administrative data (APDC and mortality)

• Proportion of cohort identified as Aboriginal not stated

No adjustment for Indigenous under-identification

Period: July 2009-June 2010

Outcome: admissions and re-admissions

8. Health service delivery issues (including needs, access and barriers)


9. Costs related to HF diagnosis and care

AIHW (2011) [39]

Patients admitted to public and private hospitals in all states and territories.

Design: Descriptive study

For congestive heart failure, patients identified as Indigenous accounted for 3.9% of total expenditure for this condition. Expenditure on CHF hospitalisation per person:

• Data from all states and territories.

Data source: Administrative data (NHMD)

• Indigenous identification varies between jurisdictions, Indigenous identity likely under-identified at a single separation

Period: 2008-2009

Outcome: Expenditure on potentially preventable hospital separations

Indigenous $26.70

Non-Indigenous $16.90

(Indigenous:non-Indigenous expenditure ratio 1.58)

  1. AIHW: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
  2. APDC: Admitted Patient Data Collection (New South Wales).
  3. BEACH: Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health.
  4. HF: heart failure.
  5. NATSIHS: National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey.
  6. NHMD: National Hospital Morbidity Database.
  7. NHS: National Health Survey.
  8. NMD: National Mortality Database.