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Table 1 Summary of 8 sections of eCRF and site questionnaire

From: RHYTHM-AF: design of an international registry on cardioversion of atrial fibrillation and characteristics of participating centers

Site Questionnaire



Information on AF

Medical treatment Prior to enrollment

Diagnostic Procedures

Acute Treatment of AF


Follow-up at 60 days

Center characteristics (type, size, units)

Demographics (age, gender, ethnicity)

Anthropometrics (ht, wt, bp)

Current episode (symptoms, type, time of onset, triggers)

ATT, rate control, other (type, indication, dose)

Laboratory measures (Hg, K, sCr, PG, INR-T)

AA/Rate control (type, dose),

Basics (vital status, date, time, destination)

Contact information (mode, date)

Specialties at site (clinics, physicians, number and availability, procedures available)

Admission information (date, time, site, reason)

Medical history (CVD, CHF, details thereof)

History of AF (date, frequency, nature, treatment)


ECG (rhythm, rate, PR & QT interval, QRS duration, LVH)

PCV & ECV (labs before, after, type, dose/joules & number of shocks route, worked?, time to SR, SR after)

Rhythm at discharge; LoS by unit

Basics (vital status, current rhyuthm)

Most frequent and most preferred approach to cardioversion

ECG information (date, time, results)

History of risk factors (family hx of disease, DM, smoking, htn, hyperlipidemia)



Catheter ablation (type, technique, location, status), pacemaker, ICD implantation (type, indication)

Complications and AEs experienced (specified, date)

Recurrence and rehospitalization since discharge (date, LoS, documentation, CV info., reason)


Other comorbidities


TEE (findings)

Surgery (time, date, location, technique)

Discharge medications (type, dose, indication)

Complications and AEs experienced (specified, date)


Chest X-Ray, Stress test, Holter ECG, MRI, CT exam


Discharge medications (type, dose, indication)

  1. eCRF: electronic case report form; AF: atrial fibrillation; ht: height; wt: weight; bp: blood pressure; ATT: antithrombotic treatment; Hg: mercury; K: potassium; sCr: serum creatinine; PG: plasma glucose; INR-T: International Normalized Ratio (Prothombin Time); CVD: cardiovascular disease; CHF: congestive heart failure; ECG: electrocardiogram; PCV: pharmacologic cardioversion; ECV: electrical cardioversion; SR: sinus rhythm; LoS: length of stay; DM: diabetes mellitus; TTE: transthoracic echocardiogram; LA: left atrium; LVEDD: left ventricular end diastolic diameter; LV-EF: left ventricular ejection fraction; LVH: left ventricular hypertrophy; ICD: implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; AEs: adverse events; TEE: transesophageal echocardiogram; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging.