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Table 3 Baseline characteristics of the total sample and comparability of the three groups

From: Effectiveness of two intensive treatment methods for smoking cessation and relapse prevention in patients with coronary heart disease: study protocol and baseline description


Total (N = 625)

UC (n = 245)

TC (n = 223)

FC (n = 157)


N (%)/M (SD)

N (%)/M (SD)

N (%)/M (SD)

N (%)/M (SD)

Gender (male)

457 (73.1%)

183 (74.7%)

163 (73.1%)

111 (70.7%)


55.8 (11.08)

55.8 (11.88)

55.31 (10.53)

56.5 (10.57)

Marital status


 Married with/without children

413 (67.8%)

160 (67.5%)

151 (68.5%)

102 (66.7%)


196 (32.2%)

77 (32.5%)

68 (31.5%)

31 (33.3%)

Education level a


 Low education

244 (40.5%)

97 (41.8%)

83 (38.1%)

64 (41.8%)

 Intermediate education

233 (38.6%)

83 (35.8%)

88 (40.4%)

62 (40.5%)

 High education

126 (20.9%)

52 (22.4%)

47 (21.6%)

27 (17.6%)

Disease diagnosis and/or treatment b


 ACS (unstable angina, non-stemi, stemi)

530 (84.8%)

210 (85.7%)

191 (85.7%)

129 (82.2%)

 Stable angina

53 (8.5%)

16 (6.5%)

23 (10.3%)

14 (8.9%)

 Other diagnosis/unknown

42 (6.7%)

19 (7.8%)

9 (4.0%)

14 (8.9%)

Previous hospital admission (yes)

122 (20.2%)

48 (20.7%)

37 (17.0%)

37 (24.0%)

Nicotine dependence c

5.25 (2.18)

4.99 (2.28)*

5.27 (2.14)

5.62 (2.01)

Average cigarettes per day

21.13 (13.04)

19.69 (10.64)

21.83 (15.78)

22.31 (11.82)

Seven-day abstinence at admission (PPA) (yes)

183 (29.3%)

79 (34.3%)

64 (29.4%)

40 (27.6%)

Quit attempts over the past 12 months (yes)

188 (30.5%)

87 (36.3%)

55 (24.9%)

46 (29.6%)

Intention to quit d

7.53 (2.17)

7.54 (2.30)

7.55 (2.1)

7.49 (2.06)

  1. Note. Numbers may vary due to missing data.
  2. a low education = primary and basic vocational school, intermediate education = secondary vocational school and high school degree, high education = higher vocational school degree, college or university degree; b ACS = acute coronary syndrome, (non-)stemi = (non-) ST elevation myocardial infarction; c range from 0 = low nicotine dependence to 10 = high nicotine dependence; d range from 0 = weak intention to 10 = strong intention.
  3. * p-value is significant at the 0.05 level.