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Table 1 OCCP Case Mix Group cost estimates

From: Evaluation of the consequences associated with diffuse vascular disease history in patients diagnosed with peripheral arterial disease: estimates from Saskatchewan health data

Hospitalization type

Costs (2002 $CAD)



   Ischemic stroke


   TIA with no related procedures


   TIA with carotid endarterectomy




   AMI with no surgical procedures


AMI, unspecified cardiac condition


AMI with CHF


AMI with angina


AMI with cardiogenic shock and/or PE


   AMI with surgical procedures


AMI with CABG and CC






AMI with CC/angiography


AMI with CHF and CC/angiography


AMI with angina and CC/angiography


AMI with permanent pacemaker




Angina as primary diagnosis


UA with cardiac complication


UA without cardiac complication


UA with cardiogenic shock and/or PE


   Angina with surgical procedures


UA or angina with CABG and CC


UA or angina with CABG


Angina w/o cardiac complication with PTCA or stent


Angina with cardiac complication with PTCA or stent


UA with CC/coronary angio


UA with cardiac complications and CC/coronary angio


Angina with CC/coronary angio


   Other cardiac problems




CHF with CC


Arrhythmia/Conduction disorders no pacemaker


Arrhythmia/Conduction disorders with permanent pacemaker


   Peripheral Vascular Disease


PAD, no major vascular surgery


PAD with aorto-iliac-femoral bypass graft


PAD with intra-abdominal bypass graft


PAD with other peripheral bypass graft


PAD with lower limb Embolectomy


PAD with upper limb or toe amputation


PAD with foot amputation


PAD with below the knee amputation


PAD with above the knee amputation


   Major bleeds


ICH, no surgical procedures


GI bleed, no surgical procedures


Hemorrhage, unspecified with no surgical procedures


GI bleed with gastrectomy/other major gastric surgery


GI bleed with endoscopy


  1. AMI = acute myocardial infarction
  2. CABG = coronary artery bypass graft
  3. CC = cardiac catheterization
  4. CHF = congestive heart failure
  5. GI = gastrointestinal
  6. ICH = intracranial hemorrhage
  7. PAD = peripheral arterial disease
  8. PE = pulmonary embolus
  9. PTCA = percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
  10. TIA = transient ischemic attack
  11. UA = unstable angina