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Archived Comments for: Relationship between apolipoprotein(a) size polymorphism and coronary heart disease in overweight subjects

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  1. Biophysical Semeiotics is really useful in order to bed-side recognizing heart ischaemic disease, even before its onset, i.e., real risk of coronary artery disease.

    Sergio Stagnaro, Private

    11 March 2004

    Sirs,in primary prevention of CAD we need clearly a clinical tool, appliable on very large scale in individual apparently healthy. Modifications of apo-a, as well as lipo-a blood levels are associated with CAD risk. However these data indicate the presence of relevant inherited factors, we can recognize also at the bed side , as follows.

    It is well known that patients, involved by risk of CAD or with CAD, may have no symptoms at all over years or decades, and that the electrocardiographic features of ischaemia may be induced by exercise without accompaning angina (1). (See "Coronary artery disease, in my site HONCode, N° 233736,

    In other words, we need a clinical tool reliable in rapid detecting both the risk of CAD, clinically silent, and CAD, also in initial asymptomatic stage.

    With the aid of biophysical semeiotics (1) I examined 300 individuals with family history positive for CAD, and

    250 patients suffering for CAD.

    All individual have been investigated with the original method of "Myocardial Ischaemic Preconditioning", described elsewhere (1). Unavoidable is the auscultatory percussion of the stomach: in healthy individuals, digital pressure of mean intensity, applied upon heart cutaneous projection area, brings about the so-called gastric aspecific reflex (= in the stomach, fundus and body are dilated; on the contrary, antral-pyloric region contracts) after a latency time of 7- 8 sec., age-dependent.

    A second, successive evaluation, performed exactly after an interval of 5 sec., provokes the identical reflex, but after lt. of 10 sec.: physiological myocardial preconditioning.

    In all patients involved by risk of CAD (300), latency time persists identical. On the contrary, in all cases ofCAD, even silent, (250) lt. become clearly shorter than that of the pathological basal value, in relation with CAD seriousness. Diagnosis was subsequently corroborated with sophysticated semeiotics.

    Such as clinical method, easy and rapid to perform, proved to be really usefull in bed-side recognizing the real risk of Cad (impairement of microcirculatory functional reserve (MFR) of coronary capillary bed, as well as heart ischemic disease, even asymptomatic.In conclusion,

    Biophysical Semeiotics allows doctors to recognize clinically patients involved by both risk of CAD, and CAD, even silent, years or decades before disorder onset.


    1) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Deterministic Chaos, Preconditioning and Myocardial Oxygenation evaluated clinically with the aid of Biophysical Semeiotics in the Diagnosis of ischaemic Heart Disease even silent. Acta Med. Medit. 13, 109, 1997

    Sergio Stagnaro

    Riva Trigoso (Genoa)Italy

    Competing interests

    None declared
